Middle grade/Y/A Mystery

Date Published: 6/25/21

Publisher: Covefe Press

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Brothers Kyle and Corey Holley (15 and 12) live Brothers Kyle and Corey
Holley live in Fairly Springs, a small southern beach town. Kyle is a
budding engineer; Corey is impetuous, funny, and baseball-crazy. Like most
brothers, they fight often, but they also solve crimes. When the town
experiences a rash of home robberies, Kyle and Corey decide to investigate.
They learn that in each robbery, the thieves stole a high-end desktop


Why? What are they looking for? And how soon till they find it? Other
complications include Corey’s wheelchair-bound math tutor, Kyle’s
after-school job in a local video-game store and a revolutionary new video
game launching soon. Kyle and Corey: Brothers. Best Friends. Detectives.
They don’t go looking for trouble; it has them on speed dial!





About the Author

JOE STEPHENS has been a fan of boys’ adventure books all his life, and in
this, his first series book, he’s created two boys as memorable as Frank and
Joe Hardy. He has a background in education and has also visited more than
thirty countries while pursuing his passion for scuba diving. He lives in
Georgetown with his growing family and three thoroughly spoiled cats.


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