BookZone welcomes Bindiya Schaefer, who is the author of Corinth 2642 AD. In her article she shares ways that writers can defeat writer’s block.  

Seven Fun Ways to Defeat Writer’s Block

by Bindiya Schaefer

Do you find yourself staring at a blank page day in and day out? Or worse, writing and rewriting the same thing over and over again until your
brain feels like mush? If the answer is yes, then I’m sorry to inform you that
the situation is dire. You, my fellow writer, have writer’s block: a stubborn,
unyielding condition that preys on creativity.

Fret not. I, too, have been plagued by writer’s block. I have
often felt my mind wandering away, distracted by my cute dog, the laundry list
of things that need to be done, the laundry, and that shiny thing in the corner
of my eye. But after many tears and beers, I have found seven foolproof ways to
rediscover the creative flow.

Let’s dive in.

  1. Sweat it out:
    Reset your tired brain with some movement. Going for a hike, a run, or
    even practicing yoga reduces anxiety and increases concentration. And hey,
    if that doesn’t work, do what I do and take your frustrations out on a
    punching bag.
  2. Get a change of
    scenery: Put your pen and paper away. Pack your bags. Go somewhere,
    anywhere. You’ll be amazed what an hour or two away from your desk can do
    for your mind.
  3. Eavesdropping:
    This one is frowned upon, but, gosh, is it fun. Especially when people are
    utterly oblivious to their surroundings and are sharing the most wonderfully
    bizarre information. This, fellow writer, is fodder for your page. Use it
  4. Sleep: I don’t
    know who needs to hear this, but naps are part of the creative process.
    Grab a big cozy blanket and allow your subconscious to work through plot
    holes while your body rests.
  5. Put your
    headphones on and tune out the world: Sit down, close your eyes and just
    listen to the lyrics, the rhythm, and the voices. Take note of your
    emotions and the mental images they evoke.
  6. Read: Revisit
    your favorite book or perhaps the one that inspired you to become a
    writer. Soak in the words and remember why you fell in love with it in the
    first place.
  7. Keep writing:
    Redirect your attention and try writing something new. Better yet, write
    for yourself but try to write every day because if you wait for
    inspiration to strike, you may be waiting forever.

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